Privacy Policy

Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd. understands that you value your privacy, either as a browser of or visitor users who browse the Website. The Privacy Policy relates to all products and services provided by Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd. to Users on the Website.
If you represent an entity, firm, or company, clicking “I Accept” signifies that you are binding your entity, firm, or company to the Privacy Policy.

The Privacy Policy describes the treatment and protection of the information it collects about the User:

Information We Collect

The Privacy Policy covers personal information that the Website receives, including information related to your past use of the Website, user submissions, personal information, and information related to your past use of Ravi Fincorp Services’ Products. This collectively shall be referred to as “Information” for the purpose of this Privacy Policy.

Personal information

Personal information includes any information that can be used to identify, contact or locate you. This includes but is not publicly available. The authenticity of the personal information is the sole responsibility of the User and that Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd. shall not be held accountable for the same. The data collected will not be sold or given to third parties for other non-permitted uses.


Personal information includes any information that can be used to identify, contact or locate you. This includes but is not publicly available. The authenticity of the personal information is the sole responsibility of the User and that Ravi Fincorp Pvt. Ltd. shall not be held accountable for the same. The data collected will not be sold or given to third parties for other non-permitted uses.

Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd. cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to it and thus, you provide information at your own risk. Once it receives your transmission, Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd. shall endeavour to make reasonable efforts to ensure the security on its systems. Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd. uses standard security practices and procedures such as secure server software and firewalls to protect your Information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd. has policies and procedures in place to protect information. All technical and operational security operations are governed and managed through policies. By implementing these Security Practices and Policies, Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd. is deemed to have complied with reasonable security practices and procedures. However, this is not a guarantee that such information will not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by a breach of such firewalls and secure server software. To the extent permissible by law, Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd. disclaims any liability related to a security breach or loss of your Information.

Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd. makes significant efforts to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the collected information. These measures may include the use of secure server technology. The User must be aware that the internet is not completely secure. Therefore, Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd. cannot ensure the security of any information transmitted to Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd. over the internet, and Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd. does not accept any liability for any unintentional disclosure of Information.


This Privacy Policy only addresses the use and disclosure of Information Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd collects from you. To the extent that you disclose information to other parties, whether they are on the Website or not, different rules may apply to their use or disclosure of the information you disclose to them. Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd does not control the privacy policies of these third parties.

Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd does not share your information with third parties unless doing so is necessary to carry out your request or reasonably permissible under the laws to protect your information. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, the Privacy Policy does not apply to third parties’ use of your Information. Accordingly, Ravi Fincorp Services Pvt. Ltd cannot be held responsible for third parties’ use of your Information as it has no control over it.